1-2ft 'Noire de Caromb' Fig Tree | 3L Pot
Buy from Primrose
88,69 zł

New introduction ideal for colder climate Originating from the French Alps, 'Noire de Caromb' produces delicious firm, red fleshed fruits of excellent eating quality. Variety Information Needs A Pollination Partner? Fig trees don't need to be fertilised to produce fruit. No Harvesting Period July-September Estimated Time to Cropping 2 Years Estimated Time to Best Yields 5 Years Uses Eating Fresh, Cooking Size Information Supplied As 3L Pot Height on Arrival Height can vary depending on when you purchase your tree, and what rootstock and variety combination you buy. 30-60 incl. Pot Age 3 Years Eventual Height & Spread Eventual size depends on both environmental and genetic conditions. 2m x 1m (6 x 3ft) How Your Plant Will Arrive Planting Requirements Planting Guide Planting Essentials Pollination & Rootstocks Key is to regularly water newly-planted trees, at least bimonthly for two months. It is also important to ensure you choose a location where your tree has enough space, which you can calculate from a variety's eventual height and spread. Dig a hole twice the radius of the rootball. Before planting, drench the rootball. Place the pot in the hole, ensuring it sits no lower than an inch below ground. Fill the hole with a mix of compost and garden soil, and add fertiliser and mycorrhizal fungi. Do not compress the soil. Give your tree a good watering. Add mulch on top whether bark and wood chippings, compost, manure, leaf-mould and stones. Make sure mulch doesn't touch the stem. Apply fertiliser and replace decomposed mulch come spring. We have developed an eco friendly polypot currently in use across our 9L range . The polypot uses less than 20% of the plastic compared with a normal pot and, unlike most garden center pots, is recyclable. Polypots also prevent root spiraling to encourage a healthier root system. All trees arrive in a specially made, extra thick, cardboard box with a clamp to hold the pot in place at the bottom of the box. This prevents any movement during transit, keeping your plant safe. We wrap the roots of our bare root trees and use compost to keep them moist during transport. This extra bit of protection prevents them from drying out and makes sure your tree gets off to a flying start. We use the same specialised box as our potted trees to ensure safe transit. Fig trees are easy to grow, but producing a good crop is challenging. Below we address some common queries: Hardiness : figs are native to Western Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean and are best grown in full sun, ideally against a self-facing wall that radiates heat. Figs need to be wrapped in frost protection come winter. Potted plants can be moved into any unheated outbuilding once they are dormant. Position : to produce a decent crop, figs need to be grown in a greenhouse or against a south facing wall. Planting your tree in a sheltered spot will help prevent uprooting in strong winds. Soil Types : soil types are best ignored and remain an unwelcome confusion. Every plant will adapt to its conditions. Having said that, less than ideal conditions will reduce growth. Waterlogged soils will starve your tree of oxygen, which plays a key role in photosynthesis, cause its roots to rot and create the perfect environment for many diseases. Similarly, compressed soils can starve a tree of oxygen and water, so do not compress the soil when planting. Aeration can be improved further with mulching. Planting In Pots : figs grow well in pots as restrictions on growth stimulate fruit set. Figs are suited to marginally acidic soil, so any compost except ericaceous and mushroom is fine. Choosing a black pot is recommended as it absorbs heat. White mulch will reflect light back towards the tree. Fig trees are parthenocarpic, which means they still produce fruit in the absence of pollinators . As parthenocarpic fruits aren't pollinated, they don't produce seeds, and can only be propagated vegetatively through cuttings. These cuttings are grown on their own roots and as such figs don't have rootstocks .
New introduction ideal for colder climate Originating from the French Alps, 'Noire de Caromb' produces delicious firm, red fleshed fruits of excellent eating quality. Variety Information Needs A Pollination Partner? Fig trees don't need to be fertilised to produce fruit. No Harvesting Period July-September Estimated Time to Cropping 2 Years Estimated Time to Best Yields 5 Years Uses Eating Fresh, Cooking Size Information Supplied As 3L Pot Height on Arrival Height can vary depending on when you purchase your tree, and what rootstock and variety combination you buy. 30-60 incl. Pot Age 3 Years Eventual Height & Spread Eventual size depends on both environmental and genetic conditions. 2m x 1m (6 x 3ft) How Your Plant Will Arrive Planting Requirements Planting Guide Planting Essentials Pollination & Rootstocks Key is to regularly water newly-planted trees, at least bimonthly for two months. It is also important to ensure you choose a location where your tree has enough space, which you can calculate from a variety's eventual height and spread. Dig a hole twice the radius of the rootball. Before planting, drench the rootball. Place the pot in the hole, ensuring it sits no lower than an inch below ground. Fill the hole with a mix of compost and garden soil, and add fertiliser and mycorrhizal fungi. Do not compress the soil. Give your tree a good watering. Add mulch on top whether bark and wood chippings, compost, manure, leaf-mould and stones. Make sure mulch doesn't touch the stem. Apply fertiliser and replace decomposed mulch come spring. We have developed an eco friendly polypot currently in use across our 9L range . The polypot uses less than 20% of the plastic compared with a normal pot and, unlike most garden center pots, is recyclable. Polypots also prevent root spiraling to encourage a healthier root system. All trees arrive in a specially made, extra thick, cardboard box with a clamp to hold the pot in place at the bottom of the box. This prevents any movement during transit, keeping your plant safe. We wrap the roots of our bare root trees and use compost to keep them moist during transport. This extra bit of protection prevents them from drying out and makes sure your tree gets off to a flying start. We use the same specialised box as our potted trees to ensure safe transit. Fig trees are easy to grow, but producing a good crop is challenging. Below we address some common queries: Hardiness : figs are native to Western Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean and are best grown in full sun, ideally against a self-facing wall that radiates heat. Figs need to be wrapped in frost protection come winter. Potted plants can be moved into any unheated outbuilding once they are dormant. Position : to produce a decent crop, figs need to be grown in a greenhouse or against a south facing wall. Planting your tree in a sheltered spot will help prevent uprooting in strong winds. Soil Types : soil types are best ignored and remain an unwelcome confusion. Every plant will adapt to its conditions. Having said that, less than ideal conditions will reduce growth. Waterlogged soils will starve your tree of oxygen, which plays a key role in photosynthesis, cause its roots to rot and create the perfect environment for many diseases. Similarly, compressed soils can starve a tree of oxygen and water, so do not compress the soil when planting. Aeration can be improved further with mulching. Planting In Pots : figs grow well in pots as restrictions on growth stimulate fruit set. Figs are suited to marginally acidic soil, so any compost except ericaceous and mushroom is fine. Choosing a black pot is recommended as it absorbs heat. White mulch will reflect light back towards the tree. Fig trees are parthenocarpic, which means they still produce fruit in the absence of pollinators . As parthenocarpic fruits aren't pollinated, they don't produce seeds, and can only be propagated vegetatively through cuttings. These cuttings are grown on their own roots and as such figs don't have rootstocks .