Tulameen' Raspberry Bush | 5 Bare Root Canes
Buy from Primrose
€ 11,09
Fuss-free variety suitable for containers 'Tulameen' raspberry is one of the best tasting varieties you will find. It is super sweet, full of flavour and the berries themselves are large, often the size of cherries, and fall of the canes at a gentle pull when ready to harvest. The plant grows in a clumping fashion and has minimal thorns which makes harvesting that bit less painful. They keep and freeze well really well, that is if you can stop yourself from eating them! They are delicious on top of ice cream or made into jams or pies. It is a mid to late season plant which produces a great yield for up to 50 days! It is very versatile and is perfect for growing in a container so you can sit it on your patio, not too far from the kitchen. Raspberries are produced from the first year and the plant shows good resistance to cold and disease/pests. Bred in Canada, 'Tulameen' is now one of the most popular summer fruiting varieties due to its versatility and the quality of its fruit. A truly outstanding variety with extremely high yields of superb quality glossy fruits that have an excellent, sweet aromatic flavour. The berries are large, bright red and have a distinctive conical shape. The fruit is borne on long, almost spine-free laterals, making them very easy to pick. An excellent variety for growing in pots/containers where the long canes can be trained up an obelisk or bamboo cane wigwam. Resistant to botrytis. Variety Information Harvesting Period Summer Estimated Time to Best Yields 2 Years Uses Eating Fresh, Jam-Making, Cooking Size Information Supplied As 5x Bare Root Height on Arrival 20cm (8 Inches) Planting Distance 40-60cm Eventual Height & Spread Eventual size depends on both environmental and genetic conditions. 1.5m x 1.2m (5 x 4ft) Size Options How Your Plant Will Arrive Planting Requirements Planting Guide Planting Essentials Supplied As Title Supplied By Price Link 5x Bare Root 5x Bare Root Primrose -Supplied Canes This Product 5x Bare Root James McIntyre -Supplied Canes Click Here 3L Pot 3L Pot Primrose -Supplied Bush Click Here 3L Pot James McIntyre -Supplied Bush Click Here Our soft fruit plants are carefully checked by our fruit nursery experts prior to despatch to ensure they are up to size and in perfect condition. Larger orders are packed into specially made, extra thick cardboard boxes with innovative inserts that hold your plants in place to prevent any damage in transit. Small orders for bare root plants are carefully wrapped and then sent in padded mail bags for delivery in the large letter postal service where there are no larger items capable of causing damage. Key is to regularly water newly-planted bushes, at least bimonthly for two months. It is also important to ensure adequate spacing (40-60cm) between bushes. With bare root plants, it's important to soak its roots in water for up to 2 hours before planting, while with potted plants it is important to drench the rootball. With bare root plants, dig a hole so as to ensure its first roots are no more than 2 inches below ground level, while with containerised plants, ensure the pot sits no lower than an inch below ground Dig a hole twice the radius of the rootball. Fill the hole with a mix of compost and garden soil, and add fertiliser and mycorrhizal fungi. Do not compress the soil. Give your plant a good watering. Add mulch on top whether bark and wood chippings, compost, manure, leaf-mould and stones. Make sure mulch doesn't touch the stem. Raspberry bushes are extremely easy to grow. Below we address some common queries: Hardiness: as raspberry plants are native to the UK, they will not be die in the cold. Position: in the UK, the greatest barrier to successful fruiting is a lack of sunlight, so planting in full sun is recommended, although raspberries will tolerate light shade. Planting your bush in a sheltered spot will help prevent uprooting and allow it to put more resources into fruiting. As raspberries are tied to supports, planting against a south facing wall is useful. Soil Types: Soil types are best ignored and remain an unwelcome confusion. Every plant will adapt to its conditions. Having said that, less than ideal conditions will reduce growth. Waterlogged soils will starve your plant of oxygen, which plays a key role in photosynthesis, cause its roots to rot and create the perfect environment for many diseases.
Fuss-free variety suitable for containers 'Tulameen' raspberry is one of the best tasting varieties you will find. It is super sweet, full of flavour and the berries themselves are large, often the size of cherries, and fall of the canes at a gentle pull when ready to harvest. The plant grows in a clumping fashion and has minimal thorns which makes harvesting that bit less painful. They keep and freeze well really well, that is if you can stop yourself from eating them! They are delicious on top of ice cream or made into jams or pies. It is a mid to late season plant which produces a great yield for up to 50 days! It is very versatile and is perfect for growing in a container so you can sit it on your patio, not too far from the kitchen. Raspberries are produced from the first year and the plant shows good resistance to cold and disease/pests. Bred in Canada, 'Tulameen' is now one of the most popular summer fruiting varieties due to its versatility and the quality of its fruit. A truly outstanding variety with extremely high yields of superb quality glossy fruits that have an excellent, sweet aromatic flavour. The berries are large, bright red and have a distinctive conical shape. The fruit is borne on long, almost spine-free laterals, making them very easy to pick. An excellent variety for growing in pots/containers where the long canes can be trained up an obelisk or bamboo cane wigwam. Resistant to botrytis. Variety Information Harvesting Period Summer Estimated Time to Best Yields 2 Years Uses Eating Fresh, Jam-Making, Cooking Size Information Supplied As 5x Bare Root Height on Arrival 20cm (8 Inches) Planting Distance 40-60cm Eventual Height & Spread Eventual size depends on both environmental and genetic conditions. 1.5m x 1.2m (5 x 4ft) Size Options How Your Plant Will Arrive Planting Requirements Planting Guide Planting Essentials Supplied As Title Supplied By Price Link 5x Bare Root 5x Bare Root Primrose -Supplied Canes This Product 5x Bare Root James McIntyre -Supplied Canes Click Here 3L Pot 3L Pot Primrose -Supplied Bush Click Here 3L Pot James McIntyre -Supplied Bush Click Here Our soft fruit plants are carefully checked by our fruit nursery experts prior to despatch to ensure they are up to size and in perfect condition. Larger orders are packed into specially made, extra thick cardboard boxes with innovative inserts that hold your plants in place to prevent any damage in transit. Small orders for bare root plants are carefully wrapped and then sent in padded mail bags for delivery in the large letter postal service where there are no larger items capable of causing damage. Key is to regularly water newly-planted bushes, at least bimonthly for two months. It is also important to ensure adequate spacing (40-60cm) between bushes. With bare root plants, it's important to soak its roots in water for up to 2 hours before planting, while with potted plants it is important to drench the rootball. With bare root plants, dig a hole so as to ensure its first roots are no more than 2 inches below ground level, while with containerised plants, ensure the pot sits no lower than an inch below ground Dig a hole twice the radius of the rootball. Fill the hole with a mix of compost and garden soil, and add fertiliser and mycorrhizal fungi. Do not compress the soil. Give your plant a good watering. Add mulch on top whether bark and wood chippings, compost, manure, leaf-mould and stones. Make sure mulch doesn't touch the stem. Raspberry bushes are extremely easy to grow. Below we address some common queries: Hardiness: as raspberry plants are native to the UK, they will not be die in the cold. Position: in the UK, the greatest barrier to successful fruiting is a lack of sunlight, so planting in full sun is recommended, although raspberries will tolerate light shade. Planting your bush in a sheltered spot will help prevent uprooting and allow it to put more resources into fruiting. As raspberries are tied to supports, planting against a south facing wall is useful. Soil Types: Soil types are best ignored and remain an unwelcome confusion. Every plant will adapt to its conditions. Having said that, less than ideal conditions will reduce growth. Waterlogged soils will starve your plant of oxygen, which plays a key role in photosynthesis, cause its roots to rot and create the perfect environment for many diseases.