Ophiopogon Black Dragon Grass Plants in 9cm Pots (3 Pack)
This has to be one of the toughest and most indestructible garden plants - fully hardy, no maintenance required at all, and you can walk all over it!!!
Despite being called a \'grass\', Ophiopogon is in fact a strappy leaved perennial. It is one of the very few so called \'black\' plants that are black - a year-round matte black backdrop, to set off bolder and brighter features.
It is a very slow spreading, carpet forming plant, and can remain undisturbed for years, slowly forming a fair-sized clump. You can then chop it up with a spade in spring and create many more plants too for free!
Superb when interplanted with small perennials, use it also as groundcover, be it shade or sun, drought or wet - it\'s also great in modern mixed container plantings. Easy to grow and fully hardy they\'re a real time saver, it\'s evergreen colour a fabulous foil to bright golds, oranges and limes.
Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come - a very versatile little gem!
- Category: Flowers/Perennials
- Ideal For: Beds/Borders/Containers/Feature plant/Black Themes
- Flowers: May - June
- Position: Full Sun/Partial Shade
- Height/Spread: 20cm x 40cm
- Hardiness: Fully Hardy
- Supplied as: A set of 3 x 9cm potted plants, good clumps several years old, very tough to plant out at any time of the year
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