Bloomingville Atena Flowerpot - Black

Bloomingville Atena Flowerpot - Black

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This flowerpot is crafted in black stoneware and made with a grooved surface circling around the sides for a rustic feel and decorative features. It's almost as high as it's wide, which makes it perfect for low flowers, plants, and decorations. The black colour with the material's natural variation in combination with the grooved surface is sure to complement any flower or plant you place in this flowerpot.D13,5xH12 cm




This flowerpot is crafted in black stoneware and made with a grooved surface circling around the sides for a rustic feel and decorative features. It's almost as high as it's wide, which makes it perfect for low flowers, plants, and decorations. The black colour with the material's natural variation in combination with the grooved surface is sure to complement any flower or plant you place in this flowerpot.D13,5xH12 cm

