Sumo Egg Cups

Sumo Egg Cups

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Sumo Egg Cups BDP Eating is an essential part of a sumo wrestlers training, so these little fellows know how important it is to protect your eggs. These fun sumo wrestler egg cups will brighten up any mealtime. Each of these sumo wrestlers is dressed in different colour mawashi (belly bands) with their distinctive hair styles called oicho (ginkgo-leaf knot), both of which evoke images of ancient times. Sumo retains many of its traditional practices and each of these wrestler egg cups is fixed to a semi-circle base which forms a dohy?, the traditional sumo platform, when the wrestlers are placed face to face. Highly detailed, if you look closely you can see that each of these little grapplers are standing behind a white line, the shikiri-sen, where they need to position themselves at the start of each bout. The initial crouch and charge are crucial. Upon positioning themselves opposite each other, the wrestlers perform a deep squat; without taking their feet off the ground, they then move forwards into a head-first crouched position, whilst also resting on one or two fists. This position is important because it allows them to adopt a more efficient posture to charge from and isometrically preloads their muscles: this enables them to spring up and charge their opponents more powerfully when the referee signals the bout to begin. A successful charge is usually a powerful charge and is often a key determining factor in who wins the bout. This pair of plastic sumo egg cups make a great little present for anyone who loves to start the day with a boiled egg breakfast. If by chance your wresters end up with egg on their face (or legs, arms or feet) they can easily be wiped clean. Supplied in a full colour gift box.


Age Group


Sumo Egg Cups BDP Eating is an essential part of a sumo wrestlers training, so these little fellows know how important it is to protect your eggs. These fun sumo wrestler egg cups will brighten up any mealtime. Each of these sumo wrestlers is dressed in different colour mawashi (belly bands) with their distinctive hair styles called oicho (ginkgo-leaf knot), both of which evoke images of ancient times. Sumo retains many of its traditional practices and each of these wrestler egg cups is fixed to a semi-circle base which forms a dohy?, the traditional sumo platform, when the wrestlers are placed face to face. Highly detailed, if you look closely you can see that each of these little grapplers are standing behind a white line, the shikiri-sen, where they need to position themselves at the start of each bout. The initial crouch and charge are crucial. Upon positioning themselves opposite each other, the wrestlers perform a deep squat; without taking their feet off the ground, they then move forwards into a head-first crouched position, whilst also resting on one or two fists. This position is important because it allows them to adopt a more efficient posture to charge from and isometrically preloads their muscles: this enables them to spring up and charge their opponents more powerfully when the referee signals the bout to begin. A successful charge is usually a powerful charge and is often a key determining factor in who wins the bout. This pair of plastic sumo egg cups make a great little present for anyone who loves to start the day with a boiled egg breakfast. If by chance your wresters end up with egg on their face (or legs, arms or feet) they can easily be wiped clean. Supplied in a full colour gift box.


Age Group