MAGDUO Wall Sounder in Red Wall mount red sounder Volume level adjustment Built-in End of Line function Device base includedTechnical Specification:Dimensions: Width: 89 mmHeight: 89 mmFlush Depth Protruding: 34 mmSurface Depth: 62 mmTemperature Range: Operating Temperature: -10°C to +50°CVoltage Ranges: DC Output from Mains Powered Panel: 25.5 to 35V DCDC Output from Battery Powered Panel: 20 to 26V DCOperating Current (Typical): Quiescent: 185 uAEnd of line ON if applicable (in addition to Quiescent): 175 uAAlarm Sounding – Sounder High: 14.5 mAAlarm Sounding – Sounder Low: 12.6 mADevice Loading Units: Max Loading Units per Zone: 160 DLUSounder High: 14.5 DLUSounder Low: 13.0 DLUVolume Level (@ 1m anechoic, Dual Tone): Sounder High: 85+ dB(A)Sounder Low: 65+ dB(A)Ingress Protection : IP Rating: IP 21CDimensions: