Bloc d' Alum the Osma Alum Block, is a world famous, essential wet shaving accessory.\n100% natural and suitable for sensitive areas such as the bikini area and the face.\nUse after wet shaving to kill bacteria on the surface of the skin and to soothe the skin. Handy too for stopping bleeding from small shaving cuts. Those with oily skin including teenagers will benefit from using an alum block. Every wet shaver should have an alum block.\nBenefits:\n\nSoothes the skin after shaving/waxing\nTreats oily skin\nUse as an antiperspirant /deodorant\nStops minor bleeding from small shaving nicks and cuts\nAntiseptic properties, kills bacteria on the surface of the skin\nHelps fight irritation from ingrown hairs and razor burn\n