Bodeneinbaustrahler Helene für außen mit LEDs Bodeneinbaustrahler Helene für außen mit LEDs

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74,90 €

+6,90 € P&P

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Helene LED recessed floor light with a titanium-coloured finish This LED recessed floor light has a round shape and emits warm white light on two sides, providing a useful orientation light when walking on paths or along the driveway. It easily illuminates tripping hazards so that you can avoid them. Of course, this effect can be enhanced by installing several recessed floor lights at a certain distance from each other. Helene is a recessed floor light, which is particularly suitable for use in the garden as it can be walked on but not driven over. - Max. surface temperatur 75 °C Energy efficiency class:A+


Energy Efficiency Class
Aluminium, Glass


Helene LED recessed floor light with a titanium-coloured finish This LED recessed floor light has a round shape and emits warm white light on two sides, providing a useful orientation light when walking on paths or along the driveway. It easily illuminates tripping hazards so that you can avoid them. Of course, this effect can be enhanced by installing several recessed floor lights at a certain distance from each other. Helene is a recessed floor light, which is particularly suitable for use in the garden as it can be walked on but not driven over. - Max. surface temperatur 75 °C Energy efficiency class:A+


Energy Efficiency Class
Aluminium, Glass